ACL 1.3
A user friendly mobile app for every qualitypersonnel in construction industry. No more hassle of holding apaper in winds &/or under-sun. Convenience of intermediatesaving of an inspection & continuing it later. Use pre-loadedchecklists or create your own checklists with the help of yourcompany administrator.ACL provides an opportunity to conduct, record & reportproject wise quality inspections with two level authorisation. Mainadvantages of ACL are:•No check-point is missed while conducting an inspection.•Traceability of Inspector and Authoriser is maintained.•A user can edit own answers, comments & add, edit or deletephotos till submission.•Inspection conducted by a user cannot be edited by anyone elsebefore, during or after inspection submission.•Pdf report is created with time stamp.•Rejection without a reason is restricted.•Actual photo(s) can be attached to the report as proof.•Data for all inspections is stored & made available for trendanalysis.Conducting an Inspection:•To start an inspection, search a checklist by name or identifieror tags.•Mark a checklist as “Favourite” at any time before, during &after inspection.•At the start of an inspection, a unique inspection id is generatedin a predefined format as “JM-150714-010” using initials of user asfirst two letters (JM for John Miller) followed by date in YYMMDDformat (150714 for 14th July 2015) followed by the serial number ofinspection conducted by the user on that day (010 for that days10th inspection by John Miller).•Enter correct location (Select from pre-loaded OR Enter userdefined)•Answer Checkpoints - Select from four options “A” - Accepted;“AWC” - Accepted With Comments; “R” - Rejected; “NA” - NotApplicable. To select “AWC” or “R” Comments are mandatory.•For check-points where “Text” or “Number” is mandatory, answeroptions “A”, “AWC” & “R” are not enabled before enteringrequired “Text” or “Number”.•Attach photos as required. Only photos captured during theinspection can be attached. Photos can be cropped, rotated &captioned as necessary before submission.•Answer all check-points. Enter ITP details (optional).•Mark overall “A”, “AWC” or “R”. To select “AWC” or “R” Commentsare mandatory.•Comments can be added to overall inspection at any time beforesubmission.•Completed inspection can be submitted only after attending allcheckpoints.•Inspection submitted by Inspector will be forwarded to respectiveassigned Authoriser for authorisation•Authoriser can view the inspections received by Inspector only in“Read Only” mode•Authoriser can add own comments & Mark “A”, “AWC” or “R” onlyto an overall Inspection & not for each check-point. To select“AWC” or “R” Comments are mandatory.•Inspections conducted by Authoriser are considered Authorised.Separate authorisation is not required.Reporting:•All completed inspections by Inspector & Authoriser will bestored at the server & will be available for trendanalysis.•Standard reports such as inspections conducted, accepted, rejectedper inspector, per contractor, per phase, per area, per week, permonth, etc will be configured & generated periodically asrequired.•All data will be available in Excel Sheet format to generatecustom made reports as necessary.Administration functionalities:•User Management: Creating users, assigning & editing hierarchy(Inspector or Authoriser), Every inspector will be linked with oneauthoriser. User activation & De-activation, Editing userprofile & deleting user.• Checklist Management: Creating checklist, enabling &disabling use of a checklist, editing checklist & tagging ofchecklist.•Location Management: Defining project phases, divisions, sections& subsections. Four level location management with additionalprovision for location description.